- Run multiple applets (splits & tabs)
- Hide toolbar and only start with a specific applet
- Customized toolbar: own bookmarks, own buttons, remove url text field
- Security: only allow a domain or subdomain
- Security: blacklist locations based on regular expression
- Start applets also on http:// urls
- Run as standalone application for Windows, macOS and Linux
- Override Applet start-up parameters with url query parameters
- Better control of cache, including force reload and auto reload
- Possibility to use system properties or environment properties in the applet parameters
- Clipboard History is starting at the pro version
- Terminal applets to accept the File parameter for start-up directory and dropping file in the terminal will write the full path of the files to the terminal
- VNC Applet includes a toolbar
- History (last 10 URLs)
- Bookmarks
- Clear history
- Clear cache
- Applet from HTML file
- Applet from JavaScript file (deployApplet.js)
- Applet from JNLP file
- Applet from a Jar file if the Main-Class extends (J)Applet
- Applet from a .class file if the class has no package and extends (J)Applet
- Applet from a .java file if it extends (J)Applet and follows a standard Maven or Gradle project structure
- Applet from internet https & http
Note that the first start might be slower as files are downloaded and verified by your antivirus application if you have one installed.
- Applet from local file system or shared directory
- JavaFX application or Scene using JavaFXApplet or SceneApplet
Applet Runner comes with many useful applets already available in the bookmarks:
- Office
- PDF Viewer
- Microsoft Word Viewer (docx)
- Excel & CSV Viewer (xlsx, xls, cvs)
- Powerpoint Viewer (pptx)
- MP3 Player (mp3, ogg)
- Video Player (mp4, mkv, mp3, avi, ...)
- Dictaphone
- Screen Highlighter software
- Utilities
- Japplis Toolbox: More than 50 text and Java utilities
- Encoding / Decoding: URL, Base64, XML, Query parameters, Hex, Hexadecimal numbers, Binary numbers, ROT13, ROT47, Unicode, Morse, Cyrillic, Volapuk
- Lines: Sort, Reverse, Shuffle, Number, Delete duplicates, Trim spaces, Extract words, Join, Sort by length, Remove empty, Delete 1 out of 2, Count occurrences, Format HTML/XML, Format JSON
- Pattern: Prefix, Suffix, Keep regular expression (regexp), Remove regexp, Keep lines, Remove lines, Split regexp, Contains regexp, Replace regexp, To lowercase regexp, To uppercase regexp, Date to long, Long to date
- Text Characteristics: Character count, Word count, Line count, XML validate, Hash code, MD2, MD5, CRC32, Adler32, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
- Properties: Java system properties, Java Swing UI Defaults, Computer environment properties
- Characters: Character in specified font, Hexadecimal value based on specified character encoding, Decimal value, Character name, Character category
- Find in files: Find regular expression in specified files, Show file names, Show found line numbers, Show number of occurrence found
- JLearnIt: a multilingual dictionary that helps you learn languages.
- English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Russian, Latin and Czech
- World countries, Elements Table, Morse Code and NATO alphabet, United States, Départements français, English/German/Dutch Irregular Verbs.
- Japplis Watch: 9 time utilities
- Clock, Calendar, Alarm clock, Stopwatch, Timer, Server clock, Time Zones, Countdown until Date, Pomodoro / HIIT, Time Tracker
- Shells: Command Line, Powershell, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), Git Bash, Cygwin, BeanShell, SSH
- Images
- Rollerboy 2 game
- Tetris game
- Eyes following mouse pointer
- HTML Browser (Browser FX) for Windows or if JavaFX runtime is loaded
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- IntelliJ Platform Based Products like
- Android Studio
- IntelliJ IDEA community/ultimate/education edition
- PyCharm community/professional/education edition
- WebStorm
- PhpStorm
- Rider
- NetBeans IDE
- Eclipse IDE
- Standalone application
- You want to run multiple software in your company IDE's. You don't want to write/package/deploy 3 plug-ins per software
- You don't want to package / sign executable for Windows, macOS and Linux
- Each time you update one of your software, you don't want to repackage/redeploy 3 plug-ins or applications.
- Multiple IDE's are used in your company and you want to provide an IDE independent small tool.
- You don't want to learn the complexity to create/package/distribute/maintain a plug-in for each IDE.
- Why Applet and not JPanel?
Applet has lifecycle, JApplet implements RootPaneContainer, it accepts parameters and there are standards (html, jnlp) to specify Applet class, classpath and parameters.
- Example of applets you could write and run in this plug-in (in just a few lines)
- Copy, edit or delete a file on the file system
- Run a script like start a docker image
- Regularly check the status of different servers and show a red dot when the server down