- History (last 10 URLs)
- Bookmarks
- Clear history
- Clear cache
- Applet from HTML file
- Applet from JavaScript file (deployApplet.js)
- Applet from JNLP file
- Applet from a Jar file if the Main-Class extends (J)Applet
- Applet from a .class file if the class has no package and extends (J)Applet
- Applet from a .java file if it extends (J)Applet and follows a standard Maven or Gradle project structure
- Applet from internet (https) (http pro version only)
Note that the first start might be slower as files are downloaded and verified by your antivirus application if you have one installed.
- Applet from local file system or shared directory
- JavaFX application or Scene using JavaFXApplet or SceneApplet
Applet Runner comes with many useful applets already available in the bookmarks:
- Office
- PDF Viewer
- Microsoft Word Viewer (docx)
- Excel & CSV Viewer (xlsx, xls, cvs)
- Powerpoint Viewer (pptx)
- MP3 Player (mp3, ogg)
- Video Player (mp4, mkv, mp3, avi, ...)
- Dictaphone
- Screen Highlighter software
- Utilities
- Japplis Toolbox: More than 50 text and Java utilities
- Encoding / Decoding: URL, Base64, XML, Query parameters, Hex, Hexadecimal numbers, Binary numbers, ROT13, ROT47, Unicode, Morse, Cyrillic, Volapuk
- Lines: Sort, Reverse, Shuffle, Number, Delete duplicates, Trim spaces, Extract words, Join, Sort by length, Remove empty, Delete 1 out of 2, Count occurrences, Format HTML/XML, Format JSON
- Pattern: Prefix, Suffix, Keep regular expression (regexp), Remove regexp, Keep lines, Remove lines, Split regexp, Contains regexp, Replace regexp, To lowercase regexp, To uppercase regexp, Date to long, Long to date
- Text Characteristics: Character count, Word count, Line count, XML validate, Hash code, MD2, MD5, CRC32, Adler32, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512
- Properties: Java system properties, Java Swing UI Defaults, Computer environment properties
- Characters: Character in specified font, Hexadecimal value based on specified character encoding, Decimal value, Character name, Character category
- Find in files: Find regular expression in specified files, Show file names, Show found line numbers, Show number of occurrence found
- JLearnIt: a multilingual dictionary that helps you learn languages.
- English, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Hungarian, Russian, Latin and Czech
- World countries, Elements Table, Morse Code and NATO alphabet, United States, Départements français, English/German/Dutch Irregular Verbs.
- Japplis Watch: 9 time utilities
- Clock, Calendar, Alarm clock, Stopwatch, Timer, Server clock, Time Zones, Countdown until Date, Pomodoro / HIIT, Time Tracker
- Shells: Command Line, Powershell, WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), Git Bash, Cygwin, BeanShell, SSH
- Images
- Rollerboy 2 game
- Tetris game
- Eyes following mouse pointer
- HTML Browser (Browser FX) for Windows or if JavaFX runtime is loaded
- Windows
- macOS
- Linux
- IntelliJ Platform Based Products like
- Android Studio
- IntelliJ IDEA community/ultimate/education edition
- PyCharm community/professional/education edition
- WebStorm
- PhpStorm
- Rider
- NetBeans IDE
- Eclipse IDE
- Standalone application (pro version only)
- Run multiple applets (splits & tabs)
- Hide toolbar and only start with a specific applet
- Customized toolbar: own bookmarks, own buttons, remove url text field
- Security: only allow a domain or subdomain
- Security: blacklist locations based on regular expression
- Start applets also on http:// urls
- Run as standalone application for Windows, macOS and Linux
- Override Applet start-up parameters with url query parameters
- Better control of cache, including force reload and auto reload
- Possibility to use system properties or environment properties in the applet parameters
- Clipboard History is starting at the pro version
- Terminal applets to accept the File parameter for start-up directory and dropping file in the terminal will write the full path of the files to the terminal
- VNC Applet includes a toolbar
- You want to run multiple software in your company IDE's. You don't want to write/package/deploy 3 plug-ins per software
- Each time you update one of your software, you don't want to repackage/redeploy 3 plug-ins or applications.
- Multiple IDE's are used in your company and you want to provide an IDE independent small tool.
- You don't want to learn the complexity to create/package/distribute/maintain a plug-in for each IDE.
- Why Applet and not JPanel?
Applet has lifecycle, JApplet implements RootPaneContainer, JApplet can have a menu, it accepts parameters and there are standards (html, jnlp) to specify Applet class, classpath and parameters.
- Examples of applets you could write and run in this plug-in in just a few lines
- Copy, edit or delete a file on the file system
- Run a script like start a docker image when clicking on a button
- Regularly check the status of different servers and show a red dot when the server down