- Number of sheets
- Number of cells filled in
- Number of unique values in cells (formulas excluded)
- Number of unique formulas
- Number of styling types
- Number of fonts used
- Number of charts/images
- Total score
Note that the total score is not the sum of the previous numbers. Filling a cell has less weight than having a graph.
Also numbers are not linear for the score, like double the number of cells filled in won't double your score for this part.
- Gets statistics of Excel spreadsheet / workbook
- Copy statistics to clipboard, for example to share with your colleagues
- Compare scores of different Excel files
- You can change of skin of the application, including some dark themes.
- Run the application inside your Java IDE using Applet Runner plug-in.
- Save your preferences in different .ini files.
- Keep the application window always on top of other applications.
- Renders the application window translucent.
- You can run it on Windows, macOS, Linux and (not tested) others operating systems that have Java.