I’ve written an article on how to view and control an Android phone via VNC for free embedded in Android Studio: https://www.japplis.com/applet-runner/phone-within-android-studio.html

I’ve written an article on how to view and control an Android phone via VNC for free embedded in Android Studio: https://www.japplis.com/applet-runner/phone-within-android-studio.html
My Watches Companion is an Android application that helps you manage your WatchMaker watch faces.
With version 4.5 just released, new tools were added to manage files on the SD Card.
Also in 4.5 many small improvements.
I’ve just released To-Do Today 2.1. To-Do Today is a free Android daily tasks list with categories that doesn’t require an account and will keep the data on your mobile phone.
What’s new with release 2.1: graph of progress in tasks in the last week / month / 3 months, share a day and bug fixes.
I’m pleased to announce the release of the Android app Happy Quotes Notifications.
Happy Quotes Notifications is a free (no ads, no login) Android app that will send you from time to time notifications with text quotes aimed to increase your happiness.
With the release of To-Do Today 2.0, we’ve reached a new level of daily to-do list sorted in categories that keep your data private on your phone.